Category: Personal
Earlier today I was empty,I walked and talked but noone was homeA gaping void that had my shape and voiceShe asked me if I was emptyI counted the colors and purposesSuddenly I’m home againand can hear myself say “Yeah, but not any more”Yet I’m not fullCan I ever fill when I’m full of holes?
2nd person tf fic
Contains: 2nd person erotica, bad semi-philosophical rambling, pointlessly colorful writing, non consensual furry transformation and sex, transgender bullshit
The strands that comprise our lives are of different lengths. They are anything, the life of a person, their presence, their actions, etc, the whole of their interaction with your existence. It is a strict subset of the world’s entelechy(what is realizing its potential to become what will be). I am sorry to know that…
Transmutation instead of Creation and Destruction
I’ve been thinking and it seems to me that creation and destruction are false dichotomies, as both are just transmutation, and both tend to result in a more disordered environment being created, where in this case, I am talking about disorder being a divergence from what would otherwise be. Building a house creates disorder even…
The Moral Justice of Understanding
tw violent.
Being Trans in a Fascist Wave
TW fascism, and transphobia, and missed opportunities
The Continual Reinvigoration of Mastodon And the Fediverse at Large
So it’s happened Again. Something on twitter has blown hundreds of folks over to mastodon and the rest of activitypub. This is great from a fediverse user perspective because the new blood is quite nice. There is opposition from a number of quarters. Those that object to FOSS for some reason Those that have been…
I’ve been trying to think of something to write for a while now, some new topic, some new follow-up that I said I would do(environmental sensing in the L-Systems code would be nice). I’ve been struggling with my own concentration since I was a child, and honestly, it got worse in college, but then a…
Have you ever been the world? Where you are the Climber and the Tree ? the skier and the snow? the car and the driver? Where boundaries dissolve into the Single, Continuous Truth? That atoms swap spit and humans exchange electrons All the fingers on all the levers And we still ask, why it is…
Yesterday I traveled across the united states in order to visit my parents. Honestly, airports feel better than they ever have. Most people don’t want to face charges about not wearing a mask, so most people did. Especially on the planes. It’s odd though, the airport ads have hardly changed. Nothing about covid, just the…