Trying Out Zig

So, we have heard good things about Zig. These boil down to the following things:

  • Good speed
  • Fast compilation
  • Decent type system
  • Simple Syntax

So far, a lot of these things seem to be born out by the experience we’ve had, though, we have some criticism that is probably more along the lines of our taste in programming, rather than issues we expect to be universal. For fairness sake, let’s start with things we like, once again expressing our preferences rather than universals.

  • Low Level
    Low level languages feel liberating to us, because we get to make the decisions, rather than the compiler or virtual machine.
  • Trusts you, mostly.
    This is mostly in comparison to Rust, whose borrow checker we have wrestled with a great deal and whose Turing complete type system has, in the past, left us mystified when we have run into errors.
    And if you really, really want to throw caution to the wind, you can mostly just tell zig that you don’t give a damn about whether or not the pointer is to a single element or an array.
  • Compile Time computation, Generics
    This is how generics are implemented, and for the most part, it provides a good experience, especially since it compares exceedingly favorably with pre-c++17 C++.
  • Not afraid of Bare Pointers
    Bare pointers aren’t something to worry about too much, especially if they’re typed. Bare pointers are quite a bit faster and lighter than other (tagged) references.

And honestly, we’re impressed at how tight the language feels. There are some facilities we’re not sure about, and some that we wish it had, but overall, this isn’t a bad language. We like it more than Rust(which, admittedly, really isn’t saying much for us), though, from familiarity alone we’re likely to revert to using C or C++, but we’re not nearly as skeptical as we once were about this little language.

The syntax is familiar enough, pretty similar to C likes, though, with a few elements that we can’t really attribute to any language we know(which doesn’t mean very much). So, let’s see what something simple looks like.

const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
    const stdout =;
    var i: usize = 1;
    while (i < 10) {
        try stdout.print("{}\n", .{i});
        i += 1;

You can see that Zig is careful about errors, requiring that you either mark that main can return an error (designated with !void), or handle the error somehow. Anything that can fail in Zig has a type denoted by !<type>, which requires you to think about what errors can happen, or so communities as Go users and Rust users insist.

Let’s see something that differs even more significantly than C.

const std = @import("std");
fn arraylist_user(alloc: *std.mem.Allocator) !std.ArrayList(i32) {
    var al = std.ArrayList(i32).init(alloc);
    var i: i32 = 0;
    while (i < 100) {
        var item = try al.addOne();
        item.* = i;
        i += 1;
    return al;
pub fn main() !void {
    var gpalloc = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer std.debug.assert(!gpalloc.deinit());
    const gpa = &gpalloc.allocator;
    const stdout =;
    var array_list = try arraylist_user(gpa);
    defer array_list.deinit();
    for (array_list.items) |*item| {
        try stdout.print("{}\n", .{item.*});

So, in this little snippet we have used several new things, Generic types, Allocator, and the defer keyword(which go users will immediately recognize). Zig does not have a default allocator, and it wants you to pass the allocator you want to use to the function that allocates memory. This is rather different than C, where you would probably just use malloc/realloc/calloc/free to manage memory(Or define a macro that evaluates to that by default if you’re building that kind of library). The reason that the documentation has an assert in gpalloc.deinit() is because this particular allocator can track memory leaks, so this causes it to report such occurrences. It also shows one of the syntactic divergences from C, for(array_list.items) |*item|. Pipes don’t get much use in C other than as logical operators, but here it tells the loop to unwrap the value(a pointer to a position in the list), and calls it item. In Zig, you dereference this pointer with item.*. Another point of comparison to C++, the addOne method doesn’t add the item itself, but returns a pointer to it, so that you can assign it afterwards.

Interestingly, for such a low level language, array_list.items isn’t a pointer, it’s a slice, which is a pointer+length, so in C++, we would say that it has most in common with a string_view.

Okay, so what if we want to go further? What if we want to do a reprisal of our C N-body simulator written with Raylib? In fact, that’s not too bad. It’s almost even easy. In fact, we can even use raylib without too much trouble.

To start off, we need to import raylib. Luckily, as it turns out, Zig’s compiler can handle C interop quite nicely, it even has builtins for it. (Though, if you do this then you need to call the compiler with -lc -lraylib to make sure that it has all the c libraries linked into it).

const std = @import("std");
const ray = @cImport({

Okay, so the first thing we should do here is define a vector type, not the resizable array type of vector, but the directional vector. Since we prize reuse here, we’re going to make it generic even though we probably don’t really need to.

pub fn vector2(comptime value: type) type {
    return struct {
        const This = @This();
        x: value,
        y: value,
        //Write methods here!

Okay, so that’s an easy enough definition. But let’s add some vector math oriented methods to make using it easier and more pleasant.

    return struct {
        const This = @This();
        x: value,
        y: value,
        pub fn add(this: This, other: This) This {
            var t: This = v2{ .x = 0, .y = 0 };
            t = .{ .x = this.x + other.x, .y = this.y + other.y };
            return t;
        pub fn sub(this: This, other: This) This {
            return this.add(.{ .x = -other.x, .y = -other.y });
        pub fn scale(this: This, v: value) This {
            return .{ .x = this.x * v, .y = this.y * v };
        pub fn distance(this: This, other: This) value {
            const sqrt = std.math.sqrt;
            const pow = std.math.pow;
            return sqrt(pow(value, this.x - other.y, 2) + pow(value, this.y - other.y, 2));
        //Wrap the value around, like when pacman reaches the edge of the map
        pub fn wrap(c: This, a: This, b: This) This {
            var r: This = .{ .x = c.x, .y = c.y };
            if (r.x < a.x) {
                r.x = b.x;
            } else if (r.x > b.x) {
                r.x = a.x;
            if (r.y < a.y) {
                r.y = b.y;
            } else if (r.y > b.y) {
                r.y = a.y;
            return r;
        pub fn magnitude(a: This) value {
            const sqrt = std.math.sqrt;
            return sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y);
        pub fn normalize(a: This) This {
            return a.scale(1.0 / a.magnitude());

Alright, the main things to note here are how we need to call std.math.pow, namely that we need to call it with a compile time type, in this case value. Later on we’ll see it called with f32.

Now we need to define the type we use for particles, and while we’re at it, we’re going to make a shortcut to the kind of vector we’re using here.

const v2 = vector2(f32);
const particle = struct {
    const This = @This();
    position: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
    velocity: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 },
    acceleration: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 },
    mass: f32,
    //Methods here!

We also need a radius property, but since it’s derived from the mass, and later on that can change as the bodies absorb each other, so it needs to be a method. We should also write methods to determine if the particles overlap and just moving the position along by the velocity, as well as calculating the attraction between two particles.

const particle = struct {
    const This = @This();
    position: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
    velocity: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 },
    acceleration: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 },
    mass: f32,
    pub fn radius(this: *const This) f32 {
        var result: f32 = std.math.ln(this.mass) / std.math.ln(3.0);
        if (result > 40) {
            return 40 - std.math.ln(this.mass) / std.math.ln(5.0);
        return result;
    //Returns true if the two particles overlap
    pub fn overlaps(this: *const This, other: *const this) bool {
        var r1 = this.radius();
        var r2 = other.radius();
        var dist = this.position.distance(other.position);
        return (r1 + r2) > dist;
    //Handles the base movement
    pub fn motion_step(this: *This, timestep: f32) void {
        this.position = this.position.add(this.velocity.scale(timestep));
        this.velocity = this.velocity.add(this.acceleration.scale(timestep));
    pub fn attraction(this: *const This, other: *const This, g: f32) vector2(f32) {
        var dist = this.position.distance(other.position);
        var vector_to = other.position.sub(this.position).normalize();
        return vector_to.scale(g * (this.mass * other.mass) / std.math.pow(f32, dist, 2));

Now we should build a container for many particles, and the properties necessary to simulate them that aren’t appropriate to put in the particle structures themselves. We need a method to initialize the particles to random positions, a method to handle the gravity simulation and such, and a method to actually draw the particles.

const ParticleCollection = struct {
    const This = @This();
    particles: [100]particle,
    window_start: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 },
    window_end: vector2(f32) = v2{ .x = 100, .y = 100 },
    timestep: f32 = 0.01,
    gravitational_constant: f32 = 1e-3,
    pub fn init_particles(this: *This, rand: *std.rand.Random) void {
        for (this.particles) |*p| {
            p.mass = @intToFloat(f32, rand.intRangeLessThan(i32, 1, 100));
            p.position = .{
                .x = @intToFloat(f32, rand.intRangeLessThan(i32, @floatToInt(i32, this.window_start.x), @floatToInt(i32, this.window_end.x))),
                .y = @intToFloat(f32, rand.intRangeLessThan(i32, @floatToInt(i32, this.window_start.y), @floatToInt(i32, this.window_end.y))),
            p.acceleration = .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 };
            p.velocity = .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 };
    pub fn step_world(this: *This) void {
        for (this.particles) |*p| {
            p.position = p.position.wrap(this.window_start, this.window_end);
        for (this.particles) |*a| {
            a.acceleration = .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 };
            for (this.particles) |*b| {
                //No self attraction please, allowing that would result in division by zero
                if (a == b)
                a.acceleration = a.acceleration.add(a.attraction(b, this.gravitational_constant));
    pub fn drawSystem(this: *const This) void {
        for (this.particles) |p| {
            ray.DrawCircle(@floatToInt(c_int, p.position.x), @floatToInt(c_int, p.position.y), p.radius(), ray.BLACK);

Note how we have to pass a random number generator into init_particles, this is inline with how Zig also requires that you pass the allocators into functions that require memory allocations to be done. You also see some of the somewhat jagged interaction between Zig and C, namely that Zig doesn’t specify that its i32 type is equivalent to C’s int type(which on many architectures it might not be), it also requires explicit conversions between floating point numbers and integers.

The main function here is the simplest part yet.

pub fn main() !void {
    const width = 800;
    const height = 450;
    ray.InitWindow(width, height, "Nbody");
    //This is very much *not* good practice, but it's the easiest way to start this
    var rand = std.rand.Xoroshiro128.init(0);
    //Don't initialize the particles yet.
    var p: ParticleCollection = .{ .particles = undefined };
    p.window_end = .{ .x = width, .y = height };
    while (!ray.WindowShouldClose()) {
        defer ray.EndDrawing();

And so we have a working prototype for an nbody simulator, considerably shorter than the C version of the same program.

Interestingly, it appears to be smaller compiled than the original program in C, with just zig build-exe nbody.zig -lc -lraylib, we get an executable of around 784Kb. With zig build-exe nbody.zig -lc -lraylib -OReleaseFast, we can get it down to 92Kb, and with the -OReleaseSmall option, we can get down to 84Kb.

All in all, we’d definitely watch Zig carefully, it’s very well thought out, and if they get build their package manager right, then their ecosystem might become competitive with Rust’s quite quickly. The langauge already quite nice to use, and it might not a bad choice for your next project you might consider doing in C or Rust if you’re looking for a new language to mess around in.



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